About Us
Attend our monthly meetings generally held on the first Friday of every month between September and May at 301 Palisade Ave, Yonkers, NY.
Want to get added to our email list to stay updated on meeting and events? Send a request to Ukrainianski@gmail.com
Be sure to check our Facebook Page for news and trip info.
Our Story
The USA started out as a group of young teenagers organizing a weekend ski trip with Father Richard, parish priest from St. Michael’s Church. The year was 1970, and these teens included: Orest Rusynko, Steve Szulhan, John Bybel, Myron Perich, Helen Wydzak, Mitch and Patti Steciuk, and as “chaperones” Tony and Anna Evans. The first ski trip was to the Poconos.
Afterwards, weekend trips were organized informally to Killington where they rented a ski house. In 1977 the Ukrainian Ski Association wrote up its by-laws and became a formal organization. We still have this original document in our archives.
The early years consisted of weekend trips including Sugarbush, “The Crow’s Nest”, Beacon Motel (Back to Beacon!), Smugglers Notch, Jay Peak (Jay Peak or Bust!” – this was the first bus trip), Mt St Anne in Quebec (two busloads -yes, we really did have two busloads!) as well as trips out west including Aspen, Lake Tahoe and Breckenridge.
In 1985, we took our first trip to Europe,to Innsbruck, Austria and we had over 40 people. The snow was terrible but we had a great time.
Since then we have visited several European countries, 3 Canadian provinces (British Columbia, Alberta and Quebec), and 11 US States: NY, PA, VT, NH, ME, MA, CA, NV, UT, CO and WY by plane, bus and car.
Here is a list of previous trips (some with pictures) in chronological order
Meet the Team
The executive team that makes it happen
Ihor Shevchuk
Favorite food is raw zebra
Basia Kuzemczak
Good with numbers and stuff
Lesia Kozicky
Vice President
Haunts people in their sleep
Damian Shchur
Into growing beards and skiing backcountry
Jerry Kiciuk
Voted most likely to sink your battleship in high school